Sunday, October 21, 2012

Am I really reading this correctly!! I can't be.

Despite everything that has been said, the truth is Maggie didn't file for custody of my daughter because she had no choice, she filed, in my opinion, as a means to push her attorney's agenda.  Although the rumor was she only filed for shared custody or visitation, see the truth below.

Clearly as you can see, she sued me for full custody of MY daughter!

People said to me and my family, why didn't Jen just give her time.  Do you know what happens if you don't fight for your rights when someone is filing for full custody of your child?!  What happens is you lose custody! (later you will see that she was offered time, and her attorney refused it)
Pay very close attention to the Magistrate's name on the above document.  Magistrate Hosafras.

Massucci and Kline, same as the above custody document

WOW!! Looky here, Magistrate Hosafras, oops I mean former Magistrate Hosafras stepped off the bench and went right to work for Massucci and Kline.  Best part check out her subject topic.  Even more astounding, and in my opinion unethical, former Magistrate Hosafras, after having been the original Magistrate assigned to my case, and after having issued visitation time to other legal strangers represented by Massucci and Kline, had the audacity to show up to a hearing representing none other than Maggie Gross.  Does it get any more inappropriate than that?

Luckily (sarcasm) my case changed magistrates, little did I realize nothing said would matter in this court, because in my opinion the court itself was being manipulated.

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