Sunday, October 21, 2012

God led me to Dianne

Maggie had started calling and threatening me that she was going to take me to court.  At the time I was off of work with a broken leg and unable to drive.  I did a google search for attorneys within a reasonable taxi ride from my home.  Many names came up, I don't know why but I emailed one Attorney on the list (Dianne) and called another (can't remember his name).  I recieved an email from Dianne's office stating she was on maternity leave and would not be back for 6 weeks.  I spoke several times with the other attorney's office and was at the point that I would need to pay a retainer and head to their office.  Before this happened I received a phone call from Dianne herself she stated that she would come in to the office and meet with me.  Luckily, she was within a reasonable taxi ride.

You can't know how lucky I feel that my standard was "a reasonable taxi ride away" and I won the jackpot.  Little did we know in that first meeting (Aug 12, 2009) that our lives would become forever changed.

When I say Jackpot I mean Jackpot.  Dianne never quit on us, never focused on what we owed her and never ever compromised on what we wanted.   Even when doing the right thing meant being "shunned" for not following some secret domestic code.  She believes in the law, so for her the law trumped playing nice in the sandbox, the law meant she would fight to make sure the law won.  Make sure that we won!

Below is a text message exchange between Maggie and I regarding the lawsuit and when I found out she was going to file one.  (these were typed out and the phone saved for evidence for the trial)

Aug 3 (this is the day she told me about the lawsuit)

Maggie : I would like to talk about that.  We can compromise

Jen: Before I talk to you I need to think and I need details about what you want.

Maggie: Basically a custody agreement and a schedule

Jen: Send all the details of what your proposing

Maggie: I can’t provide details at this time but I am sure we can work it out

She filed for FULL CUSTODY of my daughter, just to basically get a custody agreement?!!  She wasn't lying!!

Maggie's testimony at trial.  
If I had fallen for the "I only wanted an agreement" I would have lost my daughter.  If all you want is an agreement, you don't file for full custody!

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